
Nicola E. DiBiase

1/18/1965 - 11/11/2023


Obituary For Nicola E. DiBiase

Nicola E. DiBiase

58 Years old

Nicola emigrated from Italy in 1966 as a one-year-old. He was the youngest of four brothers, Antonio, Armando, and Mario. He is survived by his 12-year-old son, Nicola Jr., his loving wife Maria, and his brothers.

Nicola was a retired corrections officer. He was very creative, loved to paint and was a talented musician. He was a loving father, husband, brother, uncle, and friend. He was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 40. He exhibited great strength and courage during his battle with this disease. Even through all his pain and suffering, he never complained.

Visitation: Thursday November 16, 2023

2:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Friday November 17, 2023, 9:30 am


Greenwood Cemetery

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  • 07/19/2024

    I cat believe I'm just finding this out always a great person. Loved working with you in manhattan courts RIP 🙏

  • 11/16/2023

    My life long friend you always had a smile , we shared so many memories. You will live in my hart forever. Love you Nick
